Do NOT throw away or trash your old computers or electronic equipment
All Electronic devices have some form of toxic waste that is hazardous and can contaminate the environment.
As electronic technology evolves
at ever increasing speeds, society embraces new gadgets faster than fashion changes. Replacing your old electronic gadget with the latest and greatest leaves your old one to a certain demise.
Just as you would hand down your old clothes to a family member or friend, or donate them to the Salvation Army, Goodwill or your local church or charity, think about doing the same with your old electronic equipment.
Surely a family member or friend may be able to use your used computer, cell phone, or MP3 player.
As computer makers find ways
to make computers and laptops more powerful and appealing, we feel the need to replace our existing ones. Computers nowadays are so powerful, that we may forget that the one we are replacing has plenty of power and life that can be used by someone else. Think about donating them to less fortunate people that may not be able to afford to purchase one. We all know that computers can contribute exciting, entertaining and educational value to our lives. By donating to someone less fortunate, you may be furthering their education to help them realize their dreams.
If your electronic equipment has died,
DO NOT THROW IT AWAY IN THE TRASH! Almost all major cities have an electronics recycling program. Do a Google search for your state or city such as, florida electronics recycling, or miami electronics recycling. Or call your local Waste Management company. You can even call the manufacturer of your product to find out about their recycling program.
As consumers on an ailing planet,
we have a duty to do all we can to help preserve and contribute to the rejuvenation of our environment. At the very least, please be mindful of how you discard your used or broken items. If you are ‘handing down’ your electronic gadget to a family member or friend, educate them that instead of sending it to electronics recycling, you are presenting it to them to use instead. You may want to remind them how much you paid for it to attach a value to it. Then, remind them that when they are done with it, to either pass it on to someone else, or if it has died or is obsolete, to either return it to you for electronics recycling, or discover their own electronics recycling program. Plant the recycling seed in their head.
If you live in the State of Florida,
as I do, you can visit the Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s Recycling page to learn more about recycling in Florida.
If you live in Miami or Ft. Lauderdale,
and have a broken computer that you would like to repair instead of discard, you may Contact Us.
Music CD's, DVD's, CD ROM's, Burned CD's
According to, It can be difficult to find recycling options, but you shouldn’t throw your CDs in the trash. It’s estimated that it will take more than 1 million years for a CD to completely decompose in a landfill. And if CDs are burned, they can release harmful chemicals in the air including hydrochloric acid, sulfur dioxide, and dioxins. Polycarbonate plastic contains BPA, or bisphenol-A, which has links to health issues such as reproductive problems, early puberty, blood pressure, and heart disease.
You may be able to find a nearby drop-off recycling center that accepts them. They could fall into your municipality’s e-waste category. Use Earth911’s search tool to see if they are recyclable in your area. You may have to separate the CDs from their cases before you can drop them off.
Dell Reconnect
Donate unwanted technology to Dell Reconnect and help protect the environment while supporting Goodwill mission of putting people to work. Plus you’ll get a receipt for tax purposes.
E-Waste: Harmful Materials
Electronic waste accounts for 70 percent of the overall toxic waste currently found in landfills. In addition to valuable metals like aluminum, electronics often contain hazardous materials like mercury.When placed in a landfill, these materials (even in small doses) can contaminate soil as well as drinking water. Here’s a breakdown of what toxic materials are found in an average electronic device.
Back before there were plasma screen and liquid crystal display (LCD) TVs, we watched our Super Bowls and sitcoms on cathode ray tubes (CRT). While the CRT model effectively provided room for all switches and wires in a box behind the screen, it also stored a great deal of lead.
Approximately 20 percent of CRTs are comprised of lead, equivalent to between four and eight pounds per unit. Combine this with the fact that the FCC is requiring all televisions to run a digital signal by February 17, 2009, and we could be looking at a lot of lead headed for landfills. Even the smallest amounts of lead can be a serious environmental issue.
Lead is present in CRT computer monitors. Also, there are other toxic elements in play when you’re recycling that PC or Mac. Many laptops have a small fluorescent lamp in the screen that contains mercury, a toxic material when inhaled or digested.
Mercury is also contained in computer circuit boards, along with lead and cadmium. Circuit boards can also include batteries made of mercury, as well as mercury switches.
In 2005 alone, almost two million tons of e-waste were landfilled. While toxic materials comprise only a small amount of this volume, it doesn’t take much lead or mercury to contaminate an area’s soil or water supply. Keep this in mind when deciding what to do with those old electronic devices.
Cell Phones
While your trusty cell phone may not contain as much toxic material as larger electronic devices like TVs, its shelf life is only about 18 months for the average consumer. With hip new products coming out on a regular basis, it’s estimated there are over 500 million used cell phones ready for disposal.
Cell phone coatings are often made of lead, meaning that if these 500 million cell phones are disposed of in landfills, it will result in 312,000 pounds of lead released. However, possibly the most hazardous component of the cell phone is the battery.
Cell phone batteries were originally composed of nickel and cadmium (Ni-Cd batteries). Cadmium is listed as a human carcinogen that causes lung and liver damage. Alternatives contain potentially explosive lithium or toxic lead.
Develop an Electronics Recycling Mindset Today
Be Contagious!